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SourceAFIS -> C

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SourceAFIS is currently the best open-source automatic fingerprint identification system (AFIS) available. However the main implementation is written in C# with a focus on the .NET framework. To make SourceAFIS faster and more versatile SimPrints and RedGate (A.K.A SimGate) is creating an open source port of the code base in C called libAFIS. Being in C this version will be platform independent allowing it to run on almost any device, from embedded targets to Android. This will enable mobile health to reach millions of people around the world.


This is a list of the original contributors who were involved with the collaboration between Redgate and Simprints for Redgates Down Tools Week project (aptly named simgate) in 2015 to start this port:


Check out the readme for more info here.

Support or Contact

Email simprints for support info. SimPrints website here.